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October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
October 2018's Presenter
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Help Support CalGreen this #GivingTuesday! (27 Nov)
Tax-deductible donations will be matched by Facebook and PayPal, with 100% of the funds going to CalGreen; no admin / processing fees....

Happy Thanksgiving from CalGreen!
On behalf of TransportiCA, Nonprofit Studies, the Sustainable Chamber of Sacramento, and all of the programs of the California Green...

Major Congratulations are in Order for CalGreen's Chair
Despite state and nationwide declines, CalGreen's Chair Del Mundo passes the California Bar Exam. SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to...

CalGreen Welcomes California's New Constitutional Officers*
Golden State voters elect an assorted leadership team, reflecting California’s long-standing diversity. SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its...

CalGreen Celebrates the Major Winners of Tuesday: Female, LGBTQIA, and Ethnically Diverse Candidates
Voters have elected a historic amount of ethnically and sexually diverse candidates, bringing the promise of American equality and...

CalGreen is on Cloud Nine, Thanks to Prop 6
Voters overwhelmingly support safety, sustainability, and the facts; reject the lies and fear mongering. SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its...

As a Small Business Owner, I'm Voting NO on Prop 6
To some degree, I believe in the adage, “government should be ran like a business”; i.e., always pursuing innovation, embracing and...

Jan Gehl's and Dr. Birgitte Svarre's How to Study Public Life and Ghel's Cities for Peop
SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”),...
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