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Why do we have a CSO, not CEO?

Many corporations - for-profit or nonprofit - are traditionally led by a "Chief Executive Officer" ("CEO"), or some other executive-sounding administrator. The California Green Academy ("CalGreen") is all about sustainability, especially operating in accordance with "Sustainable Management." Because we are aware operating as such is THE imperative way of managing organizations, we needed to make sure sustainability is always the focus of what we do. Having a "Chief Sustainability Officer" ("CSO") as the highest executive guarantees we do not lose sight of sustainability, and lets others know we are serious about sustainable management, operating with the utmost dedication to the Triple-Bottom Line.

It is our hope other organizations will see the absolute need for implementing sustainable management, and that administration and operations - even mildly based-upon sustainability - requires having a CSO on your team, even if they are not the principal executive.





Post Office Box 216262
Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

©2017-2024 California Green Academy / Academia Verde de California.  EIN: 82-0784342 / CA-FTB/SOS: C4005641 / CA-RCT: CT0256202.
Powered by / Energizado por: Poi Technologies, LLC  |  web[at]
*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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