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CalGreen's Board Unanimously Backs "No on Prop 6"

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, and in observance of "National Voter Registration Day," the California Green Academy's (“CalGreen”) Board of Directors (“Board”) has unanimously voted to back “No on Prop 6,” citing the unparalleled attack on safety for all citizens, public transportation and transit-dependent communities, in addition to, the proposition inherently being a well-funded political assault on the environment and sustainable transportation.

If approved by voters, Proposition (“Prop”) 6 repeals the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (“Senate Bill 1”), which provides $54 billion for transportation investment over the next decade, dedicating a sizeable amount to sustainable transportation. In addition to Senate Bill 1’s repeal, Prop 6 is a massive “job killer,” with an estimated 68,000+ jobs and an annual economic impact of $18.3 billion eliminated with its passage. Further, 6,500 local safety and transportation improvement projectsall currently underway–would be stopped by Caltrans and local transportation authorities statewide, with funding eliminated by the California Transportation Commission–as occurred in 2016.

“Two particular issues stood out the most in our Board’s considerations: facts and funding. The “Yes” Campaign’s statements are easily–may I even say, effortlessly–invalidated by Senate Bill 1’s actual statutory language, in addition to, Article XIX.A of the California Constitution and Proposition 69 from June’s primary. Proposition 6 appears to be based mostly on fear and hyperbole, while the “No on 6” arguments can be objectively verified. Lastly, the amount of funding coming from out-of-state interests in favor of Prop 6 is especially troubling, and we hope the political figures in favor of the proposition consider heavily the appropriateness of wealthy individuals–outside of the state–hoping to buy California’s Democracy,” stated Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CEO/ED).

With special emphasis on CalGreen’s mission and vision, Prop 6 is antithetical to sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line, as it would repeal $5.4 billion in annual investment for transportation needs–paid mostly by polluters themselves (gas tax), eliminating a minimal annual funding of $850 million, dedicated solely to public transit improvements and active transportation. Lastly, Prop 6 would make air quality and respiratory illnesses much worse, by eliminating thousands of transit improvements employing electric and zero-emission vehicles and buses, with the resulting pollution and harm to human health overwhelmingly affecting low-income, transit dependent, and communities of color.

CalGreen proudly joins the unprecedented Coalition against Prop 6, encouraging all to read the actual proposition, and supports further action against Prop 6especially, for those who have not, registering to vote. November’s General Election takes place Tuesday the 6th, and contributions to both campaigns can be found on the Secretary of State’s Campaign & Lobbying website.

A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.





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Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

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*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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