CalGreen Celebrates its Second Birthday!
Another year brings new and greater opportunities, and a continued commitment to excellence.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) is excited to celebrate its second anniversary, reaffirming its commitment to its mission and vision, and continuing its numerous quality programs and campaigns. In its two years of operations (17 March 2017), CalGreen has established program partnerships with Island Press, San Jose State University’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Mineta Transportation Institute, and the University of San Francisco’s Master of Nonprofit Administration program; has welcomed its first official member–the internationally renowned nonprofit fundraising and philanthropy professor and expert, Simone P. Joyaux, ACFRE, AdvDip; as well as, was invited to attend and report-on last year’s Global Climate Action Summit. Additionally, in its first year, CalGreen secured GuideStar’s “Gold Certification”–the second highest award for operational transparency (maintaining gold certification in 2018), followed by, being awarded “Platinum Certification” last month–GuideStar’s highest award for nonprofit governance and administration. “While it is true nonprofits ‘succeed’ greater than small businesses, CalGreen is incredibly proud to enter its third year, maintaining the need to remain focused on our mission and vision. With our staff, programs, and most importantly, supporters having grown since last year, we remain obstinate in our transparent and best practice-led governance, resourceful administration, and efficient and innovative service delivery,” stated Greg Justice, CalGreen’s founder and Chief Sustainability Officer (CEO/ED). In addition to current board members, staff, and advisors, those who assisted CalGreen’s formation included: founding Chief Administrative Officer Mickey Bejarano, M.A.; founding board member, Cindy Blain, MBA; as well as, founding board member and Board Chair, Miguel E. Del Mundo, J.D. A safe and secure donation to the California Green Academy’s second birthday fundraiser can be made on Facebook, with membership choices, and many donation options, available online, as well.
A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.