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For all of your back-to-school and college supplies, AmazonSmile is your quickest-and smartest-choic

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) reminds everyone, when buying all of your, or your kid’s back-to-school and college supplies–including clothing, food, and dorm-room appliances, your shopping supports CalGreen directly, with 0.5% of all AmazonSmile-qualified purchases, donated to CalGreen! “What’s better than shopping for your school and dorm-room needs, while also donating to a worthwhile and deserving nonprofit? Absolutely nothing. Supporting CalGreen on AmazonSmile, AND getting new laptop supplies, is the greatest thing since gluten-free Febreeze,” stated Bob Brodie, Board Treasurer. To support CalGreen with your back-to-school shopping sprees, users must first select the “California Green Academy” as your AmazonSmile recipient. Please go to, and register CalGreen. Please note: CalGreen does not ever receive donations from any purchases on Amazon’s standard website (, so please remember to shop exclusively at AmazonSmile.

A PDF of this can be downloaded here.





Post Office Box 216262
Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

©2017-2024 California Green Academy / Academia Verde de California.  EIN: 82-0784342 / CA-FTB/SOS: C4005641 / CA-RCT: CT0256202.
Powered by / Energizado por: Poi Technologies, LLC  |  web[at]
*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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