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CalGreen Launches the "Transit Mask Information" Webpage

New webpage identifies which transit systems mandate face coverings, when using their service.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–Because of its mission to advance systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) is proud to launch the webpage, listing which public transit systems, statewide, mandate a face covering, when using such services. Despite Governor Newsom’s 19 March issuance of a statewide “Shelter-in-Place” order (N-33-20), and with California’s 58 counties issuing their own, even more stringent, County Health Orders (“CHOs”), the mandate of a face covering on public transit service is not statewide, and, as of this release, only eight counties require face coverings for public transit use–Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Sonoma, with pending clarification from Los Angeles. “At the time of this release, given there is no centralized, statewide listing of which transit systems require face coverings, CalGreen is incredibly proud to take part in this effort, working together with officials, better understanding the needs of such an essential service–public transit. I also ask, in all sincerity, if you see any outdated or incorrect information, on the webpage, please email CalGreen immediately, so that we may implement such corrections, a.s.a.p. And please remember, we are all in this pandemic together,” remarked Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (ED). CalGreen’s transit mask webpage is updated daily, with information from California’s city, county, and state public health departments, in addition to, public transit systems, statewide. Further, CalGreen reminds everyone, CHOs requiring a face mask/covering are issued, pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code, Sections 101040, 101085, 120175, and 120275, et seq. Violations of, or failure to comply with issued CHOs, are a misdemeanor, punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. For face covering guidelines, all CHOs have referenced the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as, the World Health Organization (WHO). CalGreen strives to provide readers with the latest, most accurate, and complete information available, and greatly appreciates any assistance in sharing updates–including incorrect information found on this news release, by emailing CalGreen at: info[at] Thank you for your time.

A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.





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Sacramento, CA 95821-8262

©2017-2024 California Green Academy / Academia Verde de California.  EIN: 82-0784342 / CA-FTB/SOS: C4005641 / CA-RCT: CT0256202.
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*The California Green Academy is not endorsed by the estate of Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, as well as Jim Harris, nor Strategic Advantage.
La California Green Academy no cuenta con el apoyo de los estamentos de Wangari Muta Maathai, Van Jones, así como de Jim Harris, ni de Strategic Advantage.

The California Green Academy is proud to be a GuideStar platinum-certified organization,

and a proud member of the California Association of Nonprofits.

La Academia Verde de California está orgullosa de ser una organización certificada platino de GuideStar,

y un orgulloso miembro de la Asociación de Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de California.

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