CalGreen Extensively Updates its "Fare-Free Transit" and "Transit Mask Information&qu
The webpages identify which California transit systems have suspended fare collection and require face coverings for service, out of concern for possible COVID-19 transmission.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–With its mission of advancing systems thinking and the Triple Bottom Line, the California Green Academy (“CalGreen”) has extensively updated its webpages–listing which statewide public transit systems have suspended fare collection/enforcement, as well as,–listing which systems and counties require wearing a face covering. While both webpages are updated daily (M-F), numerous county health order amendments recently occurred. In an effort to reduce COVID-19 transmission on essential infrastructure and services, transit systems are requiring passengers board from the back of the vehicle, in addition to, suspending systemwide fare collection and enforcement, until further notice. (Front-door boarding on buses has been reserved for ADA passengers.) Additionally, some transit systems are requiring use of a face covering for service, either in compliance with the system’s county health order, or in accordance with FTA’s Safety Advisory 20-01. “As of this release, CalGreen is extremely proud to be providing a free and comprehensive statewide listing of which transit systems have suspended fare collection and enforcement, and which systems require a face covering for service use. Both webpages will be updated all year long, and, in further guaranteeing the webpage’s continuity, thoroughness, and access, please consider making a 100% tax-deductible CalGreen donation,” stated Greg Justice, CalGreen’s Chief Sustainability Officer (ED). CalGreen’s fare-free transit and transit mask information webpages are updated daily (M-F), with information from public transit systems, county health orders, California’s official COVID-19 webpage, as well as, Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center. While not all transit systems may be listed, at this time, CalGreen prioritizes the listing of transit systems in counties with the greatest infections. Lastly, CalGreen strives to provide readers with the latest, most accurate, and complete information available, and significantly appreciates assistance in sharing updates–including incorrect information on this news release–by emailing: info[at] and/or info[at]
A PDF of this release can be downloaded here.